گروه هوافضایی فراز

مجموعه ی تلاشگر در جهت ارتقاء دانش و صنعت هوافضای کشور

گروه هوافضایی فراز

مجموعه ی تلاشگر در جهت ارتقاء دانش و صنعت هوافضای کشور

شهید حاج قاسم رئیسی
آخرین نظرات

۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Design» ثبت شده است

HPA Design Considerations:

A review on theoretical and experimental progress

Mohsen Bahrami, Afshin Banazade

Dep. of Aerospace Engineering, Sharif university of Technology, Azadi Street, Tehran, Iran


Human powered aircraft (HPA) is a type of flayers that fly only by the Human Muscles power. The construction of this type has begun from the early days in 1950 and till now it has been under development and progress. The first production aims were only to have a beautiful entertainment but after that Henry Kramer began a new era for this aircraft by establishment of the Kramer prize for this type. This article aims to have a review on the design process, regarding to the energy concepts and drag limitations. Assessment on several configurations is included, as well as the discussion about the future of this type of airplane.

Keywords: Human Powered Aircraft (HPA), Biplane, wing-grid, CFRP

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  • محسن بهرامی